Getting your finances in order, making some investments and preparing for retirement can all be daunting tasks. At Generation Financial Services we aim to provide down to earth Financial Advice for everyday Australians. A common regret amongst our clients is that they wished that had sought advice and started a plan sooner.
Investment Advice
There is a large array of investment options to choose from. Part of our role is to help you choose the investments that are suitable for your needs. We assess the risk level you are comfortable with and also the returns that you would like to achieve and then choose a mix of investments that is suitable for your circumstances.
Retirement Planning
Just the thought of retirement can be daunting but we find the sooner our clients start planning the more confident and relaxed they are about it. We will run some projections to see how you are tracking and what income you may have available to you at retirement age. If need be we can then assist you to implement strategies that will help you reach your goals for retirement.
Superannuation is a great way to save for your Retirement. We will help you choose the right investments for your needs and provide advice on salary sacrificing and personal contributions. Upon retirement we can assist you to convert your Super Fund to the Pension phase. Often, people will also have insurance inside their Super Fund and we can assist in tailoring that to your needs as well.
Wealth Accumulation
By building wealth you are providing yourself with opportunities. Opportunities to work less, retire earlier or just enjoy a better lifestyle. The earlier you start to build wealth the longer you have to reap the benefits of compound interest.
Life Insurance
While many of us like to think we are bullet proof the reality is that many of us will suffer a serious injury, illness or even premature death before we reach retirement. Life insurance can reduce the financial impact on you and your family if something unforeseen happens. Death insurance can provide protection for your loved one's in the event of your premature death. Income Protection can help replace your income if you suffer an illness or injury that prevents you from working. Trauma Insurance can provide a lump sum payment to assist with the recovery from a serious illness. Total & Permanent Disability Insurance can provide a lump sum payment if you suffer an illness or injury that prevents you from ever returning to work.